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Trivia Hunting/History

Butades, 부타데스.. 그림의 기원

by 야너건 2021. 9. 2.

플리니우스의 박물지에는 그림의 기원에 대한 이야기가 있는데.

총 37권인 Historia Naturalis의 35(XXXV)권에 있다.

기원전 600년 경,

시키온(Sicyon)은 코린토스(Corinth)옆에 있는 도시 국가로,

시키온에 사는 부타데스(Butades)의 딸 이

코린토스의 젊은이를 사랑하게 되고,

해외로 떠날 그를 기억하기 위해

벽의 그림자에 윤곽을 그린 것이 그림의 시작이 되었다고.

<The Origin of Painting> by Jean-Baptiste Regnault, 1785

<부타데스 또는 그림의 기원>, 조제프 베누아 쉬베, 1791

그걸 본 부타데스는

딸을 위해 여기에 점토를 붙여서 얼굴을 만들었는데,

이것이 부조의 시작이라고한다.

X-ray나 초음파 사진들을 보면 이 이야기가 떠오를 때가 있다.

그것은 그림자 같은 것이어서..

윤곽만을 볼 수 있다.

때론 입체여도 마찬가지인데.. 마음을 볼 수 없는 것처럼..

삼차원으로 본다고 해도 어쩌면 그게 전부가 아닐수도.


박물지 35권에 있는 부타데스 이야기의 번역본을 그대로 옮기면,

Enough and more than enough has now been said about painting. It may be suitable to append to these remarks something about the plastic art. It was through the service of that same earth that modelling portraits from clay was first invented by Butades, a potter of Sicyon, at Corinth. He did this owing to his daughter, who was in love with a young man; and she, when he was going abroad, drew in outline on the wall the shadow of his face thrown by a lamp. Her father pressed clay on this and made a relief, which he hardened by exposure to fire with the rest of his pottery; and it is said that this likeness was preserved in the Shrine of the Nymphs until the destruction of Corinth by Mummius {146 BC}. [152] Some authorities state that the plastic art was first invented by Rhoecus and Theodorus at Samos, long before the expulsion of the Bacchiadae from Corinth {581/0 BC}, but that when Damaratus, who in Etruria became the father of Tarquinius king of the Roman people {c. 616-578 BC}, was banished from the same city, he was accompanied by the modellers Eucheir, Diopus and Eugrammus, and they introduced modelling to Italy. The method of adding red earth to the material or else modelling out of red chalk, was an invention of Butades, and he first placed masks as fronts to the outer gutter-tiles on roofs; these at the first stage he called prostypa, but afterwards he likewise made ectypa. It was from these that the ornaments on the pediments of temples originated. Because of Butades modellers get their Greek name of plastae.

흔히 말하는 것처럼 저 남자가 군대에 간다는 이야기는 없다.

무슨 일인지는 모르지만, 해외에 간다고만..


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